Every innovation of mine has always had an interesting backstory, just like the innovation of a solar cycle model. Hearing the hardships of my school friends, I decided to develop a low-cost solar cycle, costing almost 1/4th of what the others cost. The next innovation was Chironji Decorticator, made using scrap materials. The idea popped up when I saw the difficulty faced by the tribal community in removing the seeds of the nut and that they were paid much less than what they deserved.
Presenting this at LG Innovations Village National Competition, I got recognised for my innovation. Later on, I was honoured by the former President of India for this innovation at APJ Abdul Kalam Ignite Awards in 2018. In my opinion, our innovations reaching people are more important than fame. India has great thinkers. If only they get the required amount of resources from the government, they can change the world. Nothing changes by just saying it. If you want things to change, you’ve to work hard for it.
Even though the innovation of mine which I found out during this pandemic requires government approval first, I am thinking of making a drone named ‘Air Servizio C19’, which will help in transporting up to 10 kilograms of necessities, has an automatic sanitation spray, will help the police in patrolling the containment regions without compromising their health. I’m also working on an upcoming electric car project, which is under development currently.
To be born as a human being in itself is a miracle, there is so much we can become. The only question is - in this limited time that we have on this planet, how far will we go and experience life to its fullest.
© Fame 2020.