My inclination towards Computational fluid dynamics and after completion of my masters in thermal sciences and energy engineering in France, I chose to return to India since my capacities ought to contribute towards the improvement of my nation despite of it being a difficult path.
I found new line of opportunity in Ecosense Appliances. My organization and I together concocted a plan to develop a Disposal Machine that can be utilized for disposing of used pads.
This machine can forestall the spreading of disease and will keep the environment clean as the used pads will not come in contact with any physical thing.
My organization and I have gone through 2 years of research and 1 year on developing the final product: Zero Pad, to ensure we get the best of it.
This product will be utilized by the majority of the women throughout the globe in the near future.The only hurdle that appears to us is the women’s mindset of shying away about discussing periods which is completely senseless as it is a part of a woman’s living.
From educating women and running awareness campaigns across India our mission of clean environment and delivering conviction to women in our society is one step towards the betterment of our nation.
We, as the citizens of our country have certain responsibilities towards our nation. I believe thus is just the begining of my journey, I have to go a long way. I have to make India the best and rejuvenate the human lifestyle.
R & D head - Ecosense Appliances
© Fame 2020.